Thoughts on Iowa

What an amazing evening. As many of you may know I came out an endorsed Newt Gingrich for President several weeks ago. I stand by my endorsement. A distant 4th place finish after a week of negative, false ads sucked the life out of the once front running candidate. Like every other candidate that rose to the top, by the backing of tea party and true conservative support, Newt’s support waned as Iowans found fault with their potential Reagan-conservative candidate (Newt). Wether faults founded or unfounded, true conservative candidates: Bachmann, Cain and now Gingrich succumbed t0 the pressures of the left-wing media and the Romney political machine. Here is what happened: Gingrich was attacked by the Romney machine, his poll numbers fell, leaving him in a dismal fourth place in the polls, a strong majority of tea party conservatives dropped Newt. Iowans who were undecided got together with disenfranchised former Newt supporters and found the only conservative candidate left that had not really been given a chance, Rick Santorum. He had spent the most time in Iowa out of any other candidate, visiting all 99 counties and holding countless townhall meetings. With Newt’s poll numbers in the tank and only a week left until the Iowa Caucuses, Rick Santorum’s poll numbers skyrocketed push him to the top of the field. Finally on Tuesday evening, January 3rd Santorum peaked, he came within 8 votes of Massachusetts moderate, Mitt Romney.

This was a stunning political victory for Santorum that will propel his campaign into a possible 2 way race between him Romney, making Santorum the conservative alternative to the “John McCain” of 2012. And isn’t funny that John McCain came out today in support of Romney. Santorum will have huge wind in his sails and contributions will begin to flow in. I will predict that you will see conservatives from Gingrich’s, Perry’s and Bachmann’s campaigns make their way to Santorum and over the next several weeks in South Carolina and Florida we will see this primary come down between Santorum and Romney. If Gingrich put’s forth a positive image and continues to put forth effective solutions, he may make this a three way race, but’s it’s doubtful. For now I will stick Newt, but I was really impressed by Santorum’s victory speech last night… really impressed. Either way I am ready for a viable conservative alternative solution to Romney.

This should be an exciting few weeks as the GOP field shapes into a race for the finish. Click on the link below for Santorum’s “victory” speech:

3 thoughts on “Thoughts on Iowa

  1. Catherine says:

    Santorum has a terrible record and, need I remind anyone-asked McCain what he knew about torture…:/ He is not electable and that is what this election has turned into-not, who can we find to be a great choice for conservatives? but rather, who can we find that will cater to the independents and beat the BHO? I”m no Romney fan but I was with Coulter 2 months ago when she said that we have to look at this pathetic lot and find someone who can win. Considering how immensely the current President has screwed up, it really shouldn’t be this hard, and that is entirely our own faults. But Bachman did say something poignant (I know, I was shocked as well) and that is- the election of 2012 may very well be the last election in this country that will keep us a free people. We are on the point of our precipice in which we must decide to live free or die. The election of 2008 knocked the political pendulum down. There is no swing left (or more appropriately, right) to save us. And these are the candidates that we derived. I can only hope that our House and Senate be saved. They’re the ones that are supposed to have the power anyway.

  2. goodmancreative says:

    Hey Catherine, How is everything, it’s been a while since our days in College Republicans together. Can you expound on Santorum’s “terrible record”? I also disagree with idea that we need a candidate that caters to independents… It didn’t work with moderates like Bob Dole, Jack Kemp and John McCain. Anyway love the discussion.

  3. Catherine says: This is a decent article that explains what I mean by “terrible record.” He is an earmark junkie that spends way too much when its politically expedient. But then again, there’s not anyone else running that hasn’t done that. His social views are the problem with his electability. There’s no question conservatives will vote for him and will come out in droves to vote in this election. The people that will make the difference between conservative candidate x and Obama is the independent vote. That’s just pray Ron Paul doesn’t pull a Ross Perot. Obama will certain win again if that’s the case.

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