Tag Archives: emotion

Home Run! The Use of Compelling Video

Back in June of this year I had the opportunity to attend a website conference for independent schools outside of Hartford, Connecticut. While at the conference I took part in a marketing roundtable. The assistant headmaster of the Delphian School out of Sheridan, Oregon, one of the participating schools, presented a video they produced to promote a marketing campaign for their school. The campaign is entitled “Through The Eyes of Students,” consisting of students using flip cameras to document their school-life experience. The video was well-produced and very compelling. They were able to capitalize on their distinct and unique aspects and show that a Delphian School education is of high value and worth. I am sharing this video because they got right. I am so impressed, not only with the production value, but how they shared their school’s vision and mission. The take away, to me, is so tangible and leaves me wanting to visit right away. When a video evokes this type of feeling and emotion, you have hit a home run! Great job Delphian, thank you for such a compelling video.

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