Tag Archives: Newt

Special Announcement

After much contemplation I have decided to endorse Newt Gingrich for President of the United States of America. He has proved that not only is he a viable candidate, but his positive message and his strong stand against President Obama has resonated with me and a large part of the country. He is a career politician, however I discern a genuine love of country, belief in American exceptionalism, a friendly view toward Israel and a strong sense of allegiance to the Constitution of the United States. At this pivotal point in our nations history we must have a president that displays those characteristics with unwavering resolve.

It is unique that growing up in Smyrna, Georgia Newt was my congressman in the Georgia 6th Congressional District. I can remember going to the Marietta 4th of July parade and seeing Newt in the parade. I never would have thought that I would one day be supporting him for President.

As you may know in 1994 Newt led the charge for the “Contract with America,” which laid out ten policies that Republicans promised to bring to a vote on the House floor during the first hundred days of the new Congress, if they won the election. The contract was signed by Gingrich and other Republican candidates for the House of Representatives. The contract ranged from issues such as welfare reform, term limits, tougher crime laws, and a balanced budget law, to more specialized legislation such as restrictions on American military participation in United Nations missions. In running for President he has laid out a new contract, the “21st Century Contract with America.” Please when you have a free moment read through this plan.

I am excited to support Mr. Gingrich and even more excited for him to win the nomination and BEAT Barack Hussein Obama and bring the America we know and love back into being. For any questions please email me. Thank you.

“Contract With America” information taken from Wikipedia

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