Tag Archives: newt gingrich

Surging in South Carolina

Ariel view of Charleston, SC

By the evening of  Tuesday, November 6, 2012 Barack Hussain Obama will know that his dream of a second term as President will be over. A conservative, Republican will assume the Office of President-Elect. Wednesday morning, November 7th the stock market will open and stocks will soar. The experiment into an American socialist system of government will be over. Honor and respect will be returned to our constitution and our way of life and we will sleep better knowing that we will have a President that will not radically transform this nation, but restore it to what our founding fathers had envisioned. I can’t wait for that day!!!

Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum and Ron Paul… that’s it, those are our choices. One moderate, two conservatives and a Libertarian. Who will you choose. Former conservative candidate, Rick Perry suspended his campaign today and publicly endorsed Newt Gingrich. As it stands in the polls now, Mitt and Newt are running neck and neck in South Carolina. Rick and Ron are fighting for 3rd. On Saturday, South Carolina will be poised to pick the conservative alternative to Romney. More than likely Newt will be that conservative choice wether he wins or comes in a close second. I believe Santorum will bow out and publicly endorse Newt, like Perry did. Newt will then be the conservative alternative. Paul will always have 15% of the Republican vote, because Libertarians have no home in a two party system of government (not for now anyway).

So the Race will come down between Romney and Gingrich (Paul will stick around just to be a nuisance).

When I got up this morning at 5AM, as I have started to do recently, I was checking Facebook and found a video of a prominent Atlanta, evangelical pastor, Dr. Michael Youssef endorsing Newt for President of the United States. In the video he made this statement: “Newt Gingrich, like all of us has clay feet, he’s the first one to tell you that. In fact that is why to me as a person who understands the scripture, I highly regard a person who knows how to repent when they sin, than a person who is self-righteous and never acknowledges their sin.” By this statement I felt validated, I was not the only evangelical that could forgive him and support his candidacy for President with unwavering confidence.

Later this morning I went on the radio with Ralph Bristol, a local Nashville radio talk show host, He was arguing that evangelicals would not support someone like Newt, especially with the upcoming interview of his ex-wife on ABC tonight. I enlightened him about Youssef’s endorsement and let him know that as an evangelical I am apart of a faith that believes in repentance and forgiveness. I was not the only one that felt this way about Newt, moreover evangelicals are encouraged and invigorated by his stand and support of Israel. Ralph had no come back, but appreciated my call.

To be honest, his personal life has very little to do with this election and I could honestly care less. I heard it said recently that Jimmy Carter was a moral, Christian person, but was one of our worst Presidents. I care more about a candidates political and constitutional views, that’s what we are electing him for.

So as we look forward to the South Carolina Republican primary, we see a race with stark contrast. Will South Carolina select a moderate, a conservative, or libertarian? We will see. As we move forward in this primary season, let’s make sure we select a candidate that best represents the conservative values that have a record of peace and prosperity. God Bless.

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